Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Chat Scripting : Script commands
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6.5. Script commands

set $variable-name string

Set the $variable-name equal to string. The string is variable expanded first.

match name string label
match string label
match string

Add a new pending event to event set name such that when string is seen in the input, resume execution at label. The match must be exact. All arguments are variable expanded.

If no name is given, or if name is the empty string, add the new event to the default set.

If no label is given, or if label is the empty string, the event causes execution to resume starting with the statement following the wait command (i.e., use the default target).

regex name pattern label
regex pattern label
regex pattern

Same as the match command, but matches an extended regular expression instead of an exact string. If pattern is not a valid extended regular expression, the script fails.

Regular expressions are matched on a line-by-line basis; the input matching the pattern cannot span more than one line. A line is terminated with either a newline or a carriage return-newline pair (the latter is more common). An end-of-line should be matched using a dollar sign rather than trying to match these characters directly, as mpd elides them from the input when testing the regular expression.

See re_format(7) for more information about extended regular expressions.

timer name seconds label
timer seconds label
timer seconds

Add a new pending event to set name such that when seconds seconds have elapsed, resume execution at label. All arguments are variable expanded.

If no name is given, or if name is the empty string, add the new event to the default set.

If no label is given, or if label is the empty string, the event causes execution to resume starting with the statement following the wait command (i.e., use the default target).

wait seconds

In the first form, wait indefinitely for any event to happen. When an event happens, continue execution starting at the target label for that event.

The second form is equivalent to:

timer seconds

if string1 == string2 command
if string1 != string2 command

Executes command if the two variable expanded strings are equal or not equal.

if string match pattern command
if string !match pattern command

Tests string against the regular expression pattern and executes command if string matches or does not match. Both string and pattern are variable expanded first.

print string

Ouput the string to the serial port. Variables are expanded, and the normal mpd C-style character escapes may be used.

cancel name1 [ name2 ... ]

Cancel all pending events in the sets name1, name2, etc. It is not an error to cancel a set which is already empty.

goto label

Jump to label label.

call label

Call a subroutine at label.


Return from subroutine.


Exit the script successfully.


Exit the script unsuccessfully.

log string

Print string, variable expanded, to the log file under logging level CHAT.

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Chat Scripting : Script commands
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Next: Errors